Garage Door Repair Is Best Left To The Professionals
When a garage door is damaged, it is important to hire a professional to perform the repair correctly. Trying to fix the door by yourself can result in even more damage, as well as injury or harm to you or your family members. For professional help, contact Garage Door Repair Yukon.

Crooked or sagging doors typically indicate a problem with the torsion springs that do most of the work. Replacing these springs is usually a straightforward job.
Your garage door takes a beating over time from all types of weather and accidents. When panels become damaged, it is important to address them quickly before they cause more damage. Whether you have a crack, scratch, or ding, it is likely possible to repair them without replacing the entire panel.
Depending on the severity of the damage and how visible it is, you may decide to repair a cracked panel by filling it with epoxy or bonding agent. This will require a bit of patience and some basic tools. Once the crack has been filled, you will need to sand and smooth the area before painting it to match the rest of the panel.
If the damage is more severe, you may need to replace a panel. A good garage door repair company will be able to recommend the best course of action for you.
Replacing a panel is a fairly simple do-it-yourself project, but it does require some careful attention to detail. First, you will need to take measurements of the panel and find a replacement that matches its height, width, and thickness. Next, you will need to remove the hinges securing the damaged panel and remove the panel from the track assembly. Finally, you will need to place the new panel and attach its hinges. Be sure to line up the hinges carefully, and ensure that they are aligned properly with the track assembly.
Troubleshooting Issues
When a garage door stops working, the first step is to check the opener’s power source. Ensure that the power cable is connected to the garage door opener and that the wires are properly secured. If the door is still unable to open or close, try resetting the circuit breaker by pressing the TEST button and then the RESET button.
It may be that the door’s safety sensors are dirty or misaligned. Inspect them for cobwebs and other debris that can block their line of sight. Also, ensure that the small light on each sensor is lit up and not obscured by something. If the issue persists, call a professional for garage door repair.
A faulty track or sprocket can cause the garage door to stop moving smoothly. The metal tracks can get warped over time due to hot and cold temperatures, heavy use or from an impact, causing the rollers to rub against them and cause resistance. Inspect the tracks for any obstructions or objects that could be causing the door to become stuck in place.
A common problem with garage doors is their springs becoming worn or even snapping. The springs are a vital component in helping the door to lift and lower, so it’s important to have them inspected and replaced when needed. A professional can perform this task safely and correctly. They will typically have the proper tools and equipment to do so, as well as a detailed knowledge of the proper repair techniques.
Replacing Broken Hardware
In a garage door repair setting, technicians may need to replace hardware components like hinges, brackets, sensors and tracks. This type of work requires technical knowledge, problem-solving skills and attention to detail, as well as the ability to read and understand diagnostic manuals. It also involves disassembling the equipment and using specialized tools to access and replace the damaged component before reassembling it and testing it to ensure that it functions properly.
For example, a garage door sensor may become misaligned due to dirt or dust, making it difficult for the door to open or close automatically. A technician may be able to correct this issue by cleaning the sensor and realigning it.
Likewise, hinges that are loose or worn can cause the sections of the garage door to move unevenly. This can create a noise, and it may also be dangerous for people to use the garage door. A technician may be able to tighten loose bolts and screws, or replace them with new ones of the same size and type.
These types of minor repairs are common, and they can help to extend the life of the garage door. In some cases, however, the hardware may need to be replaced entirely, particularly if it is severely damaged or if it has reached the end of its useful lifespan. Garage door replacement is typically a more expensive option, but it can also provide greater protection against bad weather and other nuisances.
Replacing Broken Rollers
Over time, garage doors are exposed to a variety of forces that cause their components to wear out. While minor dents and dings may be able to be repaired with some elbow grease, these deteriorations eventually take a toll on the overall function of the door, causing it to become noisy and inefficient. Rather than ignoring such problems, it is best to contact a professional technician for a full inspection and diagnostics to determine if the door requires repairs or replacements.
Performing DIY repairs on a garage door without an advanced understanding of how these systems work can lead to a trial-and-error approach, often only fixing the symptoms rather than the actual problem. This will result in a short-lived solution that will require more extensive work and expense down the road, as the original problem is likely to resurface.
To replace a broken roller, first, remove the power cord from the opener and unfasten the bolts that hold the roller mount in place. Next, slip the old roller out of its axle mount and carefully slide in a new one. Be sure to use a roller that matches the size of your door and its track to ensure a secure fit. After installing the new roller, carefully bend the curved portion of the track section with a hammer to help it lay flat. Be sure to also clean the axle mount, removing any rust or grime.
Replacing Broken Springs
A broken spring is one of the most common garage door problems. When a spring breaks, it creates a loud banging noise and can be very dangerous. Replacing a garage door’s torsion springs is not something that should be attempted by do-it-yourself homeowners and is best left to professional technicians.
Replacing a broken torsion spring is a delicate process that requires the right tools and careful execution. The springs are under high tension and can cause injury if they are handled improperly. In the past, people have been maimed and even killed when they attempt to replace garage door springs without proper training.
Before you begin, a few basic assumptions will help you execute the replacement safely. First, always clutch the bars firmly on the ends furthest from the winding cones to prevent them from spinning. Next, unwind the old springs by alternating the bar in and out of the winding cones while applying downward pressure until there is no more tension. Then disconnect the old springs from their center mounting bracket by loosening and unscrewing the set screws with a wrench or open-end tool.
Before you install the new springs, make sure that the new ones are the correct “left wind” and “right wind” springs. Then mark the cable drums and torsion shaft at each end with a marker or file. This will help you level your garage door after installing the new springs and will prevent you from grabbing the shaft and potentially injuring yourself.
Replacing Broken Automatic Openers
The automatic opener is the brains behind your garage door, controlling the opening and closing of the doors. It also controls the sensors that allow the doors to safely stop when something is in the way of an approaching vehicle or if someone’s in the driveway. If your garage door’s opener isn’t working, it’s likely due to a problem with one of these components.
A common issue is that the door opens but won’t close. This may be because the sensors are dirty or there is something directly in front of them. Cleaning the lenses and ensuring nothing is in the sensor path can resolve this issue. If the issue continues, there may be a problem with the sensitivity adjustment. Consult the opener’s manual to determine how to adjust this. Lubricating the rollers with white lithium lubricant can also help to fix this issue.
Other common problems include a garage door that won’t open with the remote or isn’t responding to the wall switch. Replacing the batteries in your remote can fix this, or it may be a sign that the opener’s motor is dead and needs replacing. If the wall switch still doesn’t work, it’s possible that a circuit breaker has been tripped. Turning the breaker on and off can reset it, but this won’t fix the opener problem. It’s best to call a professional for this.